My Best Career Advice for Women in their Twenties and Beyond
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Olay. The opinions and text are all mine.
After years of college seminars, working and interning in the corporate world, running small businesses, and now being self-employed full-time, I like to think I learned a thing or two. When it comes to navigating your career, you’ll find that no matter how prepared you think you are, there is always something new to learn. And despite your best judgement, mistakes will be made. However, it’s those mistakes and challenges that will shape you into the career woman you, and everyone else, always knew you could be. Today I’m going to share some of my best pieces of career advice, and things I wish I knew years ago.
Know your worth (and then add tax).
While this can more obviously be applied to salaries and income, it’s also important to know your worth in terms of your capabilities and what you bring to the table. While you should always fight for your worth monetarily, don’t forget that your time, resources, and self-worth are just as important. Which brings me to my next piece of advice…
Don’t be afraid to say no.
I used to feel like I had to say yes to everything, otherwise I would be letting someone down, both in my career and personal life. If I couldn’t do something, whether that meant attending an event, helping someone finish a task, or even doing a favor for a loved one, it meant I was a failure. After years of saying yes to everything and everyone, I’ve finally learned that it’s okay to say no. It’s okay to put yourself first. Doing all the things doesn’t make you more successful, and your best friend will understand if you can’t meet for drinks one night. Don’t feel like you need to constantly overdo it in every aspect of your life in order to be considered successful. You are only human.
Stay on top of your finances.
When I was younger, my dad would always emphasize the importance of saving and taking care of your credit. It wasn’t until recently that I understood why he was trying to instill this mindset at such a young age. I am all about “treating yourself”, and I firmly believe people should enjoy what they’ve earned, however, I’ve also learned how crucial it is to be financially independent. I like to splurge on a new designer handbag just as much as the next girl, but I also love the freedom of knowing if a pressing event happens, or an amazing opportunity presents itself, I don’t have to worry. I personally stay on top of my finances by creating a monthly budget and using different finance apps to keep track of what I’m spending. All you really need is a pen, paper, and your bank statements to start creating a financial plan for yourself.
Surround yourself with fearless women.
Honestly, it’s fearless women who inspire me every day. I see what they’re capable of, and I want to achieve that level of success in my own life. Whether it’s my real-life best friends who strive for greatness every day, my mother who has shown me that you can have a successful career and build a beautiful family, or the amazing female-driven podcasts I listen to on a daily basis, I try to surround myself with strong women as much as I can. I recently learned that although 51% of the population are women, only 6% of pilots are women. How shocking is that? Female pilots are faced with constant adversity and have to overcome obstacles daily because it has always been such a male-driven career path. Olay has made it their mission to shine a light on the incredibly fearless female pilots who are breaking barriers each and every day. Check out how female commercial airline pilot, Tristan Mazzu, faces adversity with the power of Olay behind her, here.
I hope sharing what I’ve learned over the years helps you in whatever stage of your career that you’re currently in. While I’ve learned a lot over the years, I know I have much more to learn. And while I didn’t understand why I was faced with so many challenges along the way, I know they’ve only made me stronger, more-focused, smarter, and ultimately happier.
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