-Apr 21, 2024

50+ Kindle Stickers For the Cutest Kindle Ever

Now that I'm in my Kindle era, I've been inspired by the incredible community of readers on social media to decorate it and make it my own. Since I discovered so many adorable Kindle stickers, I thought I would round-up over 50 of my favorites so you can personalize your Kindle too!
By Teresa Caruso

Keep reading for a round-up of over 50 adorable Kindle stickers to upgrade your Kindle set-up.

In a world that truly never stops moving, I find comfort and peace in the pages of a good book. I’ve read pretty consistently since my teens, but my love for reading has definitely grown in recent years. Among all the other factors that have gotten me back into reading, my trusty Kindle is definitely a huge reason. I never thought I’d be a Kindle girlie, since I always thought I preferred physical books, but I’ve been loving it, especially when traveling. I’m a pretty quick reader too, so traveling with multiple books always made my travel bag too heavy. The Kindle couldn’t be more lightweight.

Now that I’m in my Kindle era, I’ve been inspired by the incredible community of readers on social media to decorate it and make it my own. When I entered the world of kindle stickers I was seriously amazed by how many cute, creative options there were out there. And since my Kindle is basically always with me, she deserved a little makeover. On my previous Kindle, I did the clear case method, where you place the stickers on your Kindle (without actually sticking them), and lock it in with a clear case. This allows you to easily switch things up when the mood strikes. For my current Kindle set-up, I opted to add the stickers directly to a milky pink case. It’s a little more work to remove them, but still easier than applying them directly to your Kindle.

50 of the Cutest Kindle Stickers

Since I discovered so many adorable Kindle stickers, I thought I would round-up over 50 of my favorites so you can personalize your Kindle too!

If you’re looking for more Kindle inspiration, be sure to read all about my favorite Kindle accessories here.

Last Updated: Apr 22, 2024
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