-Jan 2, 2024

How to Declutter Your Digital Life

Now that the new year is here I've been in full organization mode. While I've been doing a lot of home organizing, I also want to find ways this year to organize my life.
By Teresa Caruso

Now that the new year is here I’ve been in full organization mode. While I’ve been doing a lot of home organizing, I also want to find ways this year to organize my life. We spend so much time on our phones and on the computer, so for today’s post, I thought I would share my best tips on how to declutter your digital life. I have made small adjustments here and there and they have made such a difference in everything I do that’s digital! From cleaning out your camera roll to organizing your passwords, these tips will help you improve and declutter your digital spaces.

Clean out Your Camera Roll

Going through your camera roll can definitely feel a little daunting, especially if you have hundreds or thousands of photos. I heard this amazing tip that I’ve been implementing that’s made cleaning up my camera roll so easy. Essentially, whatever day it is you scroll back to that date in your photos, and clean out that date only. It’s a quick, daily task that will pay off over time and will gradually clean out those old photos or random screenshots you don’t want in your camera roll anymore.

Back up Your Photos on a Hard Drive

Most of us back up our photos on the Cloud, but if you’re anything like me, your Cloud storage fills up quickly! For the photos I know I don’t want to lose, I like to back them up on a hard drive like this one. I know that I’ll always have access to them and if any techy mishaps happen, my photos won’t be lost! This hard drive is my favorite since it’s portable, completely waterproof, and has TONS of storage.

Delete Apps You Don’t use on Your Phone

So simple but very often forgotten! I always like to do a big sweep of the apps on my phone and delete anything that I don’t use anymore. Sometimes I downloaded something for a single purpose that has been fulfilled, or maybe I have apps that I just don’t click anymore. Whatever it may be, cleaning up my home screen on my phone is a small thing I like to do to make my digital life feel less cluttered.

Create a Household Email

Matt and I have done this and let me tell you… it has been a GAME CHANGER. Essentially, create a new email address for your household where you can keep bills, mortgage, and household subscriptions in one place. This allows these important emails to not be missed within Matt and my personal inboxes and keeps things so much more organized! We can easily see due dates, see when we paid certain bills, and more. It’s so quick to do and makes a huge difference!

Organize Your Passwords in One Place

There is nothing worse than having a million different passwords that you can’t remember or can’t find for a ton of different accounts. I don’t even know how many times I’ve reset my password for different websites! Now that I’ve organized my passwords in one place, I can easily find the correct passwords for different platforms. It might take a little time, but having one, universal sheet to reference is so convenient. Whether you like to do this in the passwords section on your phone which is totally secure or use a different, safe password storage site to keep everything neat, I highly recommend doing this!

Here are a few of my favorite things to help declutter your digital life! I have and use all of them and they have made such a difference. Check out even more products I love on my Amazon Storefront here.

Last Updated: Jan 15, 2024
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