DIY Cleaning Cart

Our cleaning supplies underneath our sink have become a cluttered mess. Plus, the way our cabinet is shaped, it had become really hard to reach in and find anything. I had the idea to create a cleaning cart, using a super thin cart that fits on the side of our closet. While I was reorganizing, I did a bit of decluttering too, because I realized that we had a bunch of unnecessary junk mixed in with our other household items. What I love about our new streamlined set-up is the idea that when I’m cleaning, I can move the cart room to room if I need to. We do still have cleaning supplies underneath our sink, since I buy most of our products in bulk lately, but it’s a lot more organized, and I only have to access it when I’m refilling items in the cart. Our apartment may not be the biggest, but it has been surprisingly helpful to use the cart on a more daily basis.

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