-Dec 7, 2023

4 Quick Party-Hosting Tips for the Holiday Season

I’m sharing 4 quick party-hosting tips for the holiday season if you’re planning on inviting family and friends into your home. I know when I implement these tips, I spend more time enjoying and less time stressing!
By Teresa Caruso

The holidays are around the corner which means holiday parties are about to begin! Like many others, I know during the holiday season we get so busy with family gatherings, parties with friends, and other holiday events. It seems like almost every weekend there is something going on! A fun fact about me is that I love to host–having people over in my home whether it be just for the evening or overnight always brings me so much joy! I laid out everything I do to prep my home for guests in this post; I believe the smallest details make such a difference. When it comes to the holidays though, hosting parties can get a little stressful since this time of year is super busy. I’m sharing 4 quick party-hosting tips for the holiday season if you’re planning on inviting family and friends into your home. I know when I implement these tips, I spend more time enjoying and less time stressing!

#1: Focus on one thing and make everything else easy

When planning a party, there are so many different things to consider. It’s easy to get wrapped up in wanting to make every single little thing absolutely perfect, but that’s just not the reality! A good rule of thumb I always follow is to make one thing great, and be more relaxed about the rest. For example, if you’re putting a ton of effort into serving incredible food, keep the decor simple. Or if you’re packing your home with holiday decor galore, don’t worry as much about the games or party entertainment. I’m not saying to forget about these other things completely, but cut yourself some slack. Managing expectations that not everything will be perfect is a healthy way to manage the stress that comes with hosting a party (especially during the holidays).

#2: Clean the big-impact places

Of course, before hosting a party, you want to make sure your home is clean for guests. BUT no one is looking at your baseboards or analyzing every surface for extra dust. Prioritize cleaning for the big impact and most used spaces in your home, like the bathroom, the living room, the kitchen, or wherever guests may be. I always make sure that our floors are clean and the bathroom is spotless when guests come over since I feel those are both important to me for our home specifically. Decide where you want to dedicate time for cleaning and don’t stress about perfecting every nook and cranny.

#3: Put the food where you want people to be

This is my TOP party hosting tip!! Where you put the food is where people will congregate. It’s just a fact. If the food is in the kitchen, people will be in the kitchen. If the food is outside, people will be outside. Even if guests aren’t really eating, people just tend to stand around and chat with each other where the food is located. Where you want your guests to be is where the food needs to go. I know when I have a lot of guests over, I don’t want everyone crammed in my kitchen (especially when I’m trying to cook). I like putting my food in another common space where people have room to comfortably enjoy each other’s company.

#4: Let other people help

When it comes to hosting, it’s easy to take everything on yourself, especially if you want things a certain way or feel like you’re burdening your guests by asking for assistance. However, if someone offers help, take it. A family member offers to make the dessert? Yes! A friend said she’ll take care of a fun party game after dinner? Yes! Don’t turn away help when it is offered, and don’t be afraid to ask for it, either. I love doing a potluck-style party where everyone brings a dish, or if I take care of the food, I’ll ask guests to bring a drink of choice or a party game. Help makes hosting so much more manageable and gives you one less thing on your to-do list. Plus, guests usually are happy to contribute.

Last Updated: Dec 7, 2023
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